When you were looking for a web hosting provider for your website, you probably have been offered a choice of operating systems (OS) to host on Linux vs Windows web hosting servers. ​In this article will compare Linux and Windows OS to give you a better idea on how they fare against one another. So you can
IntroductionIn this tutorial I will discuss what is AbanteCart, requirements to install, advantages with AbanteCart and AbanteCart installation from cPanel softaculous.What is AbanteCart eCommerce ?AbanteCart is a free eCommerce application that is designed, built and supported by experienced enthusiasts who are passionate about their work and contributions to the project. This is not commercial endeavor,
Mozilla Thunderbird email is a free email client software through which you can send / receive from your domain email accounts. It’s easy to setup and use with great features on your desktops.You can download Mozilla Thunderbird email client from Mozilla Website Here are the requirements you need to check before installing it on your desktop.
In this article, we’ll show you how to manage email accounts in cPanel hosting panel. Also we’ll explain how to change email account password, how to delete email account, how to setup email account quotas and etc. FastWebHost offers unlimited number of e-mail accounts for your web site. Let’s get down to basic operations you can
IntroductionIn this tutorial I will discuss what is WHMCS, requirements to install, advantages with WHMCS and WHMCS installation from cPanel. Let’s dive into it. WHMCS is an all-in-one client management, billing & support solution for online businesses. Handling everything from signup to termination, WHMCS is a powerful automation & support tool. If you are a reseller and
What is Webmail?Webmail applications enable you to check your e-mail accounts by using your web browser. You can compose and read e-mail messages, maintain an address book, and perform other common tasks. The core idea of web mail is to be able to access email from any where and any time. You just need a
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